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· Europe Is Falling Behind
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2006年2月23日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Europe Is Falling Behind
By Tony Blair





  Newsweek 新闻周刊

  It was Canute, one of the first English kings, who is said to have demonstrated the limits of his powers by showing that the tide would not obey his orders. Hearing some of the debates on globalization, I sometimes feel Canute needs to get his feet wet again.

  Complaining about globalization is as pointless as trying to turn back the tide. There are, I notice, no such debates in China. They are not worrying about potential threats but are busy seizing the opportunities in ways that are transforming their society and ours as well. So, too, are the other emerging economies in Asia and South America. I am proud that the United Kingdom's economy has grown twice as fast as Germany's and four times as fast as Japan's since 1997. I am, however, painfully aware that China has been growing three times as fast as the U. K.

  We know, too, what has to be done. There is no secret recipe for economic success. The difficulty is getting all the right ingredients in place. And, more important today than ever, successful countries need sustained investment in science, education and lifelong learning to make the most of the skills and talents of all their people—to create, in fact, true knowledge economies.

  There is no room for complacency. The U.K. and Europe—already lag badly behind the United States, with the emerging economies catching up at a breathtaking pace.

  This is a view increasingly understood not just in the U.K. but across Europe. I believe it is already shaping Europe's agenda. If it does, we should have no reason to fear the challenges of globalization and the knowledge economy. We should relish them.

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