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· Bush Visits Allies in Pakistan
· 布什访问 巴基斯坦盟友
· What To Do
· The hand that rocks the cradle
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2006年3月10日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
What To Do
  March 6

  As the leading powers meet in Vienna today and tomorrow to address Iran's nuclear program, the most serious problem they face is not what is going on in Tehran. It is that no one on the Western side seems to know what to do about Tehran. The major negotiators at the International Atomic Energy Agency meeting are now looking to the United States, which convinced the Europeans to take a harder line against Iranian enrichment a year ago. Washington is touting its diplomatic isolation of Tehran. But the Bush administration doesn't seem to have any good ideas about where to go next with this isolation. It is a tool, yet the Americans seem to treat it as an end, not a means. As the debate heads into the U.N. Security Council, policy is at a standstill.



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