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2006年3月31日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
A New Poll: The Democrats by 9 Points
  Mar 24

  Time's latest poll finds American voters heading into November's election dissatisfied with the Republican-dominated status quo. The poll, conducted March 22-23, finds Americans unhappy with the performance of the Republican-controlled Congress — 39% approve, versus 49% who disapprove — and gives Democrats a 9-point lead when voters are asked to state which party's candidate they would choose for a House of Representatives seat.

  But voter unhappiness over the Republican-controlled Congress and White House has not yet translated into a support for the Democrats. Right now, the approval rating for Congressional Democrats is no higher (39%) than that of Republicans, and 56% of voters don't believe the Democrats offer a clear set of alternative policies.

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