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· Health care for everyone
· Health care for everyone
· 人人有医保
· The Leaker in Chief
· Why Iraq Was a Mistake
· Strains in the Alliance
· 为什么伊战是个错误
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2006年4月14日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Strains in the Alliance
  Apr 3

  Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and her British counterpart, Jack Straw, were the picture of transatlantic harmony as Rice visited Straw's constituency in Blackburn, England, last week. Their good cheer reflected the continuing official closeness of their two countries--the tightest of coalition partners three years into the war in Iraq despite the opposition of much of the rest of the world and the fact that, as Rice conceded last week, "we've made tactical errors, thousands of them," in Iraq. But not everyone in the British government is smiling. A dispute over a jet fighter is threatening to drive a rare wedge between London and Washington, straining the alliance at a time when Britain and the U.S. would seem to need each other more than ever.



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