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· Health care for everyone
· Health care for everyone
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· The Leaker in Chief
· Why Iraq Was a Mistake
· Strains in the Alliance
· 为什么伊战是个错误
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2006年4月14日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Why Iraq Was a Mistake
  Apr 9

  Two senior military officers are known to have challenged Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on the planning of the Iraq war. One is General Greg Newbold, the Pentagon's top operations officer, voiced his objections internally and then retired, in part out of opposition to the war. Here, for the first time, Newbold goes public with a critique:

  Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's recent statement that "we" made the "right strategic decisions" but made thousands of "tactical errors" is an outrage. It reflects an effort to obscure gross errors in strategy by shifting the blame for failure to those who have been resolute in fighting. The truth is, our forces are successful in spite of the strategic guidance they receive, not because of it.

  We need fresh ideas and fresh faces. That means, as a first step, replacing Rumsfeld and many others unwilling to fundamentally change their approach. The troops in the Middle East have performed their duty. Now we need people in Washington who can construct a unified strategy worthy of them.

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