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· Taking on George Bush
· 迎战乔治·布什
· Pain at The Pump
· No Child Left Behind
· Time for him to go
· 该他走的时候了
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2006年4月27日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
No Child Left Behind
  April 24, 2006 issue -The Army has never been very good at talking about death—especially when it comes to children. But with a fighting force that is increasingly made up of parents—43.5 percent of all service people have children—the U.S. military is realizing it needs to offer more to grieving families than a folded flag and a package of death benefits. The number of American children who've lost parents in Iraq and Afghanistan now stands at more than 1,200—a figure roughly equal to the number of widows and widowers, according to the Pentagon. Yet casualty officers have no training in counseling, beyond a standardized handbook that encourages them to act as natural as possible and exercise common sense and sensitivity. In fact, there has never been a uniform approach to family "bereavement care" in the U.S. military.


  据4月24日的《新闻周刊》报道,陆军一向不擅长谈论死亡,特别是当涉及到儿童时。 但是,随着越来越多的做了父母的人加入战斗部队——现役军人中43.5%的人有子女,美国军方已经意识到需要给予阵亡军人家属的不仅仅是一面折叠着的国旗和抚恤金。据五角大楼的统计,现在美国有1200名儿童的父母在伊拉克和阿富汗阵亡。这个数字大致和阵亡军人的配偶数字相当。然而报丧军官除了一本统一印刷的、告诉他们要尽可能表现得自然并根据常识和感觉行事的手册外,没有接受过任何劝慰方面的培训。事实上美国军方在对“阵亡家属的关爱”方面从来就没有采取过统一方法。

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