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· Taking on George Bush
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· Pain at The Pump
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2006年4月27日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Pain at The Pump
  Apr 17

  Bad news for drivers: gas prices this summer are expected to be more than 10% higher than last summer and may exceed $3 per gal. in some parts of the U.S., the Energy Department estimates. Here's a look at why:

  What's fueling the price rise Growing global demand and investors spooked by political tensions in the Middle East have pushed crude-oil prices up. Gasoline production in the U.S. is down 9% compared with 2005, as hurricane-damaged refineries struggle to return to full production. Finally, changes in energy laws are prompting fuel suppliers to use corn-based ethanol as an additive,instead of the additive MBTE, which has health risks.

  Do higher prices help anyone Oil companies are tallying record-high profits. Their execs are cashing in too. ExxonMobil disclosed last week that Lee Raymond, who retired as its CEO in January, earned $69.7 million--$190,000 a day--in 2005.

  Are people cutting back on driving Apparently not. The Energy Department predicts U.S. motorists' total gasoline usage this summer will be 1.5% higher than in 2005 because of a growing economy and more cars on the road.






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