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· Thinking big
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2006年5月26日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Thinking big
  May 18

  Borrowing and lending has become a fairly well-understood line of business, and a fairly well-managed one most of the time in most of the world. It is the banks themselves that are volatile, shifting shapes and strategies as furiously as their regulators will allow them in their efforts to win markets and market share.

  In America the ten biggest commercial banks control 49% of the country's banking assets, up from 29% a decade ago. They are pausing for breath now, after a long merger binge encouraged by the deregulation of interstate banking and the removal of barriers between banks, insurance companies and securities firms. Non-financial companies are not meant to own banks, but even that is now being tested by America's biggest retailer, Wal-Mart, which wants a restricted banking licence.




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