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· Political Theater
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2006年7月4日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Political Theater
  June 30

  You have to go back to the Alien and Sedition Acts of the 1790s to find Congress so outrageously trying to stifle dissent. Signed by President John Adams to quash newspapers aligned with rival Thomas Jefferson, some 25 people were arrested and 10 editors and publishers convicted under these laws. This time around, at least, the resolution passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday condemning news organizations for publishing classified information has no force of law. It’s pure political theater.

  Warring with the mainstream media is standard Republican foolery. The first President Bush encouraged his supporters to heckle the press. ANNOY THE MEDIA—RE-ELECT BUSH was a popular bumper sticker in 1992—Bush backers even charged through the media center at the Republican National Convention shouting the slogan. But the media bashing wasn’t enough to salvage the race for Bush, who lost the presidency because he had lost the confidence of conservatives.



  对主流媒体开战是共和党典型的愚蠢行为。老布什总统曾鼓动他的支持者去诘难新闻界。1992年, “骚扰媒体, 再选布什”是一条贴在汽车保险杠上的流行标语。布什的支持者甚至在共和党全国大会上高呼这个口号,以此来挑衅媒体。但是对媒体的攻击不足以拯救布什的竞选。他失去了总统的宝座,因为他失去了保守派的信任。

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