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· Under attack
· Bush Visit Is Fingered In Row Over Statue
· Drill-seeking
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2006年7月14日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Bush Visit Is Fingered In Row Over Statue
  Jul 7

  George W. Bush can expect a reasonably ceremonious welcome when he visits the German port city of Stralsund next week on his way to the G-8 summit in St. Petersburg. He was invited by the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who grew up nearby, as a sign of warming U.S.-German relations. But Germans can be a prickly lot, and a row has broken out

  The show is an updated version of the 1960s show Hair. Its central prop is a huge, friendly-looking 12-m-tall Statue of Liberty, but instead of raising a torch of freedom to the world, she is raising her middle finger. Merkel's conservative Christian Democratic Union party was outraged. "Artistic freedom is going too far here," fumed Lorenz Caffier, general secretary of the CDU in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. "This lacks any respect." The party has demanded the statue, which Caffier called "tasteless and stupid ... and unacceptable" be taken down..

  But the show's director, Anton Nekovar, is standing by his art. "Nobody can order us to do anything," he said in an interview with Time. Noting that the play was planned long before Bush's visit was scheduled, he said that he was not unhappy about the coincidence: "Hair ... opposes war-mongering America in the 1960s," he said. "We must not be prevented from transferring these topics to today."






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