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· 更安全的飞机
· A very long engagement
· Rumsfeld's Departure Is a Mixed Blessing for Rice
· The Shiite Zarqawi
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2006年11月14日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
The Shiite Zarqawi
  Nov. 13, 2006 issue - Ever since the radical Mahdi Army leader Moqtada al-Sadr joined the Iraqi government, his power on the streets has been slipping. Now U.S. and Iraqi officials worry that even more violent men might be taking up his mantle. One name has come up again and again: Abu Deraa, sometimes called "the Shiite Zarqawi." Abu Deraa and the death squad he runs have been waging a campaign of Shia terror across the city. He is suspected of torturing and killing scores of Sunnis in a bloody wave of ethnic cleansing in neighborhoods across Baghdad. U.S. officials believe Abu Deraa is responsible for the capture of a U.S. Army translator who disappeared two weeks ago while leaving the fortified Green Zone and remains missing.



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