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Viruses Are Catching
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2006年11月22日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Cell Phones:
Viruses Are Catching

  Nov. 20, 2006 issue - Trojan horses, worms and other nasty viruses have gone wireless—and could be targeting your cell phone. CNET.com called 2006 "the year of mobile malware," and software experts say the number of known viruses has more than doubled since January. Phone bugs infect your handset, then multiply via text or picture messages sent to your contacts. Your phone might still function, but all those texts can clog the network.

  Phone companies and service providers are scrambling to block mobile malware. Jan Volzke, an executive at McAfee, says some mobile-phone companies now implant virus protection directly in handsets—but adds that the vast majority of users remain vulnerable. Some 30 million devices are protected, he says, but there are 2.6 billion mobile subscribers worldwide.


  据11月20日一期的《新闻周刊》报道,特洛伊木马、蠕虫和其它令人讨厌的病毒已经侵入了无线领域, 也可能正在攻击你的手机。CNET.com称,2006年为“手机恶意软件年”。软件专家说,自一月份以来,已知的病毒数量增加了一倍还多。电话病毒感染了你的手机,并通过你发给联系人的文本和图片信息进行传播。你的电话也许还能使用,但是这些文本信息会堵塞网络。


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