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2007年8月28日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Up from the bottom of the pile
  Aug 16

  In many countries in the region, and especially in Brazil and Mexico, Latin America's two giants, things are going better today than they have done since the mid-1970s. The region is in its fourth successive year of economic growth averaging a steady 5%. In most places inflation is in low single digits.

  What is more, financial stability and faster growth are starting to transform social conditions with astonishing speed. The number of people living in poverty is falling, not only because of growth but also thanks to the social policies of governments. The incomes of the poor are rising faster than those of the rich in Brazil and in Mexico.

  In both these countries a new lower-middle class is emerging from poverty. Low inflation, achieved through more disciplined public finances and trade liberalisation, has brought falling interest rates. Credit has at last returned. So these new consumers are buying cars and DVD players or taking out mortgages. No wonder Latin Americans are in an optimistic mood: earlier this year a poll by the Pew Global Attitudes Project found a greater increase in personal satisfaction in Brazil and Mexico over the past five years than in any of the other 45 countries it surveyed





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钱江晚报 天下·双语 C0007 Up from the bottom of the pile 2007-8-28 钱江晚报c00072007-08-2800018 2