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2007年8月28日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Cancer care
  Aug 22

  Cancer patients' chances of survival vary widely among European countries. Franco Berrino and a team of researchers from Eurocare studied the outcome of 2.7m new cases diagnosed between 1995 and 1999 in 23 countries. Five years after diagnosis, survival rates were highest overall in the Nordic region (except Denmark) and lowest in central Europe. Health spending is a factor, with higher national expenditure usually correlating with higher survival rates. Denmark and Britain are exceptions. They have lower rates than those in countries with similar levels of spending, perhaps suggesting ineffective use of resources. The findings are published in the latest issue of the Lancet Oncology.



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钱江晚报 天下·双语 C0007 Cancer care 2007-8-28 钱江晚报c00072007-08-2800028 2