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· ‘The Ultimate Soft Target’
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2007年12月18日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
‘The Ultimate Soft Target’
  Dec 13

  Tuesday's twin car bombing in Algiers was more than just another attack in a strife-torn nation. While previous attacks have tended to focus on government institutions, this one also targeted the United Nations—a signal that the world organization has become a new target of terror. The Algerian attack was the most deadly on a U.N. office since 2003, when insurgents killed 22 people in U.N. offices in Baghdad and forced the organization to temporarily leave the country. At least nine U.N. workers were among the 31 confirmed dead in this week's attack in the Algerian capital, which also affected the offices of the country's Constitutional Council.



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钱江晚报 天下·双语 C0007 ‘The Ultimate Soft Target’ 2007-12-18 48257178002CE173482573B4001EB076[B1-冯菲菲] 2