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2008年2月26日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Sleepiness and
Stroke Risk

  Feb. 21

  Excessive daytime drowsiness in older adults may predict a significantly increased risk of stroke, said researchers reporting data on Thursday at the International Stroke Conference in New Orleans.

  Most people have, from time to time, unintentionally dozed off on the couch watching television or reading a book or even stopped in traffic while driving. But persistent drowsiness during the day usually signals a chronic sleep deficit, and bigger problems. The new study found that people who suffered from "significant dozing" — those who almost always fell asleep involuntarily during the day — were 4.5 times more likely to have a stroke than people in the "no dozing" group. The association between sleepiness and stroke was: the sleepier the person, the higher the risk of stroke.




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钱江晚报 天下·双语 C0007 Sleepiness and
Stroke Risk
2008-2-26 钱江晚报c00072008-02-2600029 2