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Fly on Biofuel
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2008年3月4日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Can Airplanes
Fly on Biofuel

  Feb. 25

  There were a couple of strange things about the Virgin Atlantic Boeing 747 that taxied out along one of London Heathrow's two main runways and took off into the bright sky late Sunday morning. First, there were only five people on board, while more than 100 watched intently from a nearby hangar. Second, the plane was the first commercial jet ever to fly on biofuel. "This is the first stage on a journey towards renewable fuel," Virgin founder Richard Branson told reporters in the hangar shortly before takeoff.

  As it happens, Virgin's eco-plane ran only one engine on the experimental fuel; the other three burned standard jet fuel. And the biofuel-powered engine was using a blend of conventional jet fuel and biofuel: 80/20 in favor of the regular stuff.




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钱江晚报 天下·双语 C0007 Can Airplanes
Fly on Biofuel
2008-3-4 钱江晚报c00072008-03-0400025 2