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· Europe’s New
Herd Mentality
· McCain's Paris Romance
· Wall Street's crisis
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· 欧洲的
· 华尔街的危机
· The end of Wall St as we know it
· 仅有的几个亮点
· 我们所知的华尔街结束了
· 美国为对斯皮策的严厉手段进行辩解
· The Few
Bright Spots
· U.S. Defends Tough Tactics on Spitzer
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2008年3月25日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Wall Street's crisis
  On March 16th America's Federal Reserve rewrote its rule-book by rescuing Bear Stearns, the country's fifth-largest investment bank, and agreeing to lend directly to other brokers. A couple of days later the Fed cut short-term interest rates—again—to 2.25%, marking the fastest loosening of monetary policy in a generation.

  It was a Herculean effort, and it staved off the outright catastrophe of a bank failure that had threatened to split Wall Street asunder. Even so, this week's brush with disaster contained two unsettling messages. One is analytical: the world needs new ways of thinking about finance and the risks it entails. The other is a warning: the crisis has opened a new, dangerous chapter. For all its mistakes, modern finance is worth saving—and the job looks as if it is still only half done.

  Rescuing Bear Stearns and its kind from their own folly may strike many people as overly charitable. For years Wall Street minted billions without showing much compassion. Yet the Fed put $30 billion of public money at risk for the best reason of all: the public interest.

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