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· Europe’s New
Herd Mentality
· McCain's Paris Romance
· Wall Street's crisis
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· 欧洲的
· 华尔街的危机
· The end of Wall St as we know it
· 仅有的几个亮点
· 我们所知的华尔街结束了
· 美国为对斯皮策的严厉手段进行辩解
· The Few
Bright Spots
· U.S. Defends Tough Tactics on Spitzer
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2008年3月25日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Europe’s New
Herd Mentality

  Remember Jose Bove, European agriculture's old poster boy The sheep farmer and antiglobalization activist who spent his time doing things like dismantling McDonald's stores was a folk hero among Europe's 13 million farmers for his fight against foreign food imports. Powerful farm lobbies—backed by the government of France—fought EU reforms designed to open up Europe's coddled and regimented agricultural sector to greater market forces. Now, as Europe's farmers see rising profits, many of the same agro activists are singing a very different tune. The German Farmers' Union, a well-connected lobbying organization whose functionaries long beat the same drum as the French for protection and subsidies, now says its members are eagerly embracing "global market freedom."
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钱江晚报 天下·双语 C0007 Europe’s New
Herd Mentality
2008-3-25 钱江晚报c00072008-03-2500015 2