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2008年4月8日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Cristina's Argentine Honeymoon Ends
  The new president of Argentina and her country's farmers have been at war. Though a 30-day truce has temporarily ended the dispute, Argentina's politics have become harshly confrontational. Just a bit more than 100 days into Cristina Fernandez's presidency, Argentina has witnessed a spectacle of demonstrations and counter-demonstrations, of rhetoric and bombast, all ominously reminiscent of the dark days of previous presidencies and bad economic times. Cristina, as her followers like to call her, has just seen her honeymoon come to a dead halt; she is now presiding over a deeply divided country.
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钱江晚报 天下·双语 C0010 Cristina's Argentine Honeymoon Ends 2008-4-8 钱江晚报c00102008-04-0800021 2