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· The World's Biggest Companies
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· 世界最大的公司
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2008年4月8日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
The World's Biggest Companies
  One world; one gigantic marketplace. This year, 60 countries have global 2000 entries vs. 51 in our inaugural list in 2004. The Forbes global 2000 are public companies with the top composite scores based on their rankings for sales, profits, assets and market value. Our justification for using a composite ranking is simple: One metric alone can give a false impression about corporate size.

  In total, the global 2000 companies now account for $30 trillion in revenues, $2.4 trillion in profits, $119 trillion in assets and $39 trillion in market value. Around the world, 72 million people work for these companies.

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钱江晚报 天下·双语 C0010 The World's Biggest Companies 2008-4-8 钱江晚报c00102008-04-0800030 2