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2008年6月3日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Uncle Sam Needs
to Solve the
Energy Crisis

  The key to heading off devastating climate change--and to sidestepping out-of-sight oil prices along the way--is to improve technology. We need good alternatives to fossil fuels, not the ersatz variety in which we convert corn to ethanol and then face soaring food prices. We need to harness vast amounts of solar power and start storing the carbon dioxide emitted by coal-fired power plants underground.

  These are all achievable goals. President George W. Bush's greatest failure is that he dithered for eight years instead of investing in new technologies for a sustainable planet.

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钱江晚报 天下·双语 B0013 Uncle Sam Needs
to Solve the
Energy Crisis
2008-6-3 钱江晚报b00132008-06-0300023 2