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2008年6月3日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
How to Survive A Disaster
  When a plane crashes or the earth shakes, we tend to view the survivors as the lucky ones. Had they been in the next seat or the apartment across the street, they would have perished.

  The recent earthquake in China and the cyclone in Burma remind us that disasters are part of the human condition. We are more or less vulnerable to them, depending where we live.

  But survival is not just a product of luck. We can do far more than we think to improve our odds of preventing and surviving even the most horrendous of catastrophes. Each of us has what I call a "disaster personality," a state of being that takes over in a crisis. It is at the core of who we are. The fact is, we can refine that personality and teach our brains to work more quickly, maybe even more wisely.

  Humans are programmed with basic survival skills. When frightened, we get a shot of performance-enhancing hormones, and the blood pumps to our limbs to help us outrun whatever enemy we face. But in modern times, we're hardly aware of such natural skills, and most of us do little to understand or develop them.

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钱江晚报 天下·双语 B0013 How to Survive A Disaster 2008-6-3 钱江晚报b00132008-06-0300017 2