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2008年6月24日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Desperate Times
  Our government will soon have to decide if we want a domestic automobile industry. If it does nothing, that industry will be dead in three years.

  The once great General Motors Corp. is working down to 50,000 U.S. union workers. The Big Three's share of sales dropped to 45% in May, and I believe that the share could drop toward 40% if present trends continue.

  The General Motors kitty is going down $1 billion a month, and in two years it could be gone. What then gm could abandon the U.S., I suppose, and continue abroad, but that's happening anyway. Nearly 60% of gm's sales are overseas.

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钱江晚报 天下·双语 C0007 Desperate Times 2008-6-24 钱江晚报c00072008-06-2400004 2