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· Teachers Carry Books and Guns
· NBC创了纪录
· 教师们带着书本和枪去学校
· NBC Sets a Record
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2008年9月2日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Teachers Carry Books and Guns
  Students in this tiny town of grain silos and ranch-style houses spent much of the first couple of days in school this week trying to guess which of their teachers were carrying pistols under their clothes.

  The school board in this impoverished rural hamlet in North Texas has drawn national attention with its decision to let some teachers carry concealed weapons, a track no other school in the country has followed. The idea is to ward off a massacre along the lines of what happened at Columbine High School in Colorado in 1999.

  Even in Texas, with its tradition of lenient gun laws and frontier justice, the idea of teachers’ taking guns to class has rattled some people and sparked a fiery debate.

  Gun-control advocates are wringing their hands, while pro-gun groups are gleeful. Leaders of the state’s major teachers unions have expressed stunned outrage, while the conservative Republican governor, Rick Perry, has endorsed the idea.

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钱江晚报 天下·双语 A0022 Teachers Carry Books and Guns 2008-9-2 钱江晚报a00222008-09-0200019 2