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· Verbatim
· Why Disasters
Are Getting Worse
· Is America Losing
At Globalization
· 灾难为何越变越糟
· 美国在全球化进程中失败了?
· Cold comfort
· 冰冷的安慰
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2008年9月14日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Cold comfort
  Depending where you live in Europe and whom you blame for the Russian-Georgian war, the European Union’s emergency summit meeting on September 1st was a triumph, a failure or just the best that could be expected. Against objections from some Russia-friendly quarters, chiefly Italy’s prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, the EU condemned Russian actions in Georgia, agreed to step up efforts to help ex-Soviet countries and blocked talks on a new partnership deal.

  Even agreeing that was tricky. Britain had been demanding a “root and branch” re-examination of the EU’s relationship with Russia—a critical viewpoint shared with Poland, the Baltic states and Sweden. Most of the big European countries are a lot more cautious. They blame Georgia, seen as an irresponsible American protégé, for starting the war but object to Russia’s diplomatic recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and the lingering Russian military presence in buffer zones. Above all, they are glad that a row with an important trading partner has cooled.

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