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3  4  
· Verbatim
· Why Disasters
Are Getting Worse
· Is America Losing
At Globalization
· 灾难为何越变越糟
· 美国在全球化进程中失败了?
· Cold comfort
· 冰冷的安慰
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2008年9月14日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
  “I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight.”

  ——Julie Coin, the 188th-ranked tennis player who beat No. 1 seed Ana Ivanovic in the second round of the U.S. Open.





  “Holy cow!”

  —Retired teacher Chuck Heath, father of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, upon learning that Sen. John McCain had chosen Palin to be his running mate.





  “On your way out, don't let the door bang you on the ass.”

  ——Chicago Sun-Times movie critic Roger Ebert, in an open letter to sportswriter Jay Mariotti, who quit the paper to become a TV reporter and told an interviewer that "newspapers are dead".





  “It took us 107 years but we got there in the end.”

  ——Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, on the appointment of Quentin Bryce, Australia's first female governor general.





  "Did you find any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq"

  Vitaly Churkin, Russian ambassador to the UN, asked the US representative, in response to his accusation against Russia, when the UN held an meeting to discuss the situation in Georgia.





  “The President, Mikheil Saakashvili, doesn't exist for us. He is a political corpse.”

  ——Dmitri Medvedev, Russian President, declaring that he will not negotiate with the Georgian leader.




  “Syria can provide an irreplaceable contribution to solving Middle East issues.”

  Nicolas Sarkozy, French President, speaking before a trip to Syria.





  H“Nobody talked about jobs. Nobody talked about health care. Nobody talked about education.”

  ——Barack Obama criticizing the content of the speeches delivered by Republicans at their convention.





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钱江晚报 天下·双语 A0013 Verbatim 2008-9-14 钱江晚报a00132008-09-1400026 2