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2009年2月18日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
  “GM is not a career anymore.”

  ——Tom Suarto, a retired autoworker whose family has worked for General Motors since 1912. His son will lose his factory job next month.





  “The Iranian nation is ready to hold talks.”

  ——Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iranian President, announcing that he would welcome talks with the U.S. as long as they were based on "mutual respect".





  “It was amazing, he turned around, sat on his bum and sort of looked at me.”

  ——David Tree, an Australian firefighter, who helped rescue a koala named Sam, injured in the country's devastating wildfires.





  “I did a lot of things that were mostly right.”

  ——Rod Blagojevich, former Illinois governor, at his impeachment trial in Illinois.





  “It's unfortunate, because we never comment on their mistakes.”

  ——Vasili Vass, spokesman for South Africa's ETV News, after an Afrikaans-language newspaper reported that the station had mistakenly broadcast the headline "George Bush Is Dead."





  “Eluana did not die a natural death. She was killed.”

  ——Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's Prime Minister, igniting controversy by claiming that a woman who was allowed to die after being in a coma for 17 years was murdered by her doctors.





  “I say, Life is hard, move on. If you can't get over it, it's ruined.”

  ——Alec Greven, the 9-year-old author of How to Talk to Girls, on being dumped. The young love guru offers romantic advice in his New York Times best-selling book.




  西非  译

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