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· Verbatim
· A thousand
cries of pain
· An Island, Lost At Sea
· 一片痛哭声
· 淹没的岛国
· Sinking Fast
in Japan
· 昔日冷眼旁观 如今争揽生意
· 日本快速衰退
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2009年2月24日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Sinking Fast
in Japan

  If you think the U.S. has big troubles, cast an eye across the Pacific. Tokyo said on Feb. 16 that Japan's gross domestic product, whacked by collapsing exports and a soaring yen, slumped at an astonishing annualized rate of 12.7% between October and December—the steepest fall since 1974. So Japan, once seen as well placed to weather the economic storm, is harder hit than the U.S. or Europe. Prime Minister Taro Aso, in office since September, now enjoys a popularity rating of 10%.
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钱江晚报 每日新闻·双语 A0021 Sinking Fast
in Japan
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