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· Verbatim
· A thousand
cries of pain
· An Island, Lost At Sea
· 一片痛哭声
· 淹没的岛国
· Sinking Fast
in Japan
· 昔日冷眼旁观 如今争揽生意
· 日本快速衰退
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2009年2月24日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
  “In things racial we have always been, and I believe continue to be, in too many ways essentially a nation of cowards.”

  ——Attorney General Eric Holder, in remarks at an event celebrating Black History Month.






  “I will move forward and dive back into the pool, having put this whole thing behind me.”

  ——Michael Phelps, American swimming champion, after South Carolina authorities announced they would not charge the athlete with illegal drug use.





  “America doesn't trust you anymore. I get a lot of money to put in banks. I don't have one single penny in any of your banks.”

  ——Massachusetts Rep. Michael Capuano, chewing out eight Wall Street CEOs during their testimony on Capitol Hill.





  “This increase is necessary to stabilize a deteriorating situation in Afghanistan.”

  ——President Barack Obama, announcing the addition of 17,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan.





  “Before, so many of us were living a good life here. Now we cannot pay our loans. We are all just sleeping, smoking, drinking coffee and having headaches.”

  ——Hamza Thiab, a 27-year-old Iraqi living in Dubai, on how the global economic crisis has affected the affluent Middle Eastern country.





  “At that moment, I felt this is the man who killed our nation.”

  ——Muntadher Al-Zaidi, the Iraqi journalist on trial for throwing his shoes last year at then-President George W. Bush.





  “Connecticut already prohibits the keeping of big cats, bears, wolves, coyotes, venomous reptiles and crocodiles as personal pets. Tragically, this law does not include nonhuman primates.”

  ——Animal-rights advocate Nicole Paquette, on the chimpanzee that mauled and nearly killed a Connecticut woman.



  ——动物权力拥护者尼古拉·帕盖特就一只黑猩猩差点打死一名康涅狄格州妇女一事这样说。    西非  译

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