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2009年4月14日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
  “You plant, you cultivate, you harvest. That was the goal of the trip. ”

  ——DAVID AXELROD, adviser to U.S. President Barack Obama, explaining at the end of the President's European tour that rebuilding relations with allies could take year





  “The ethical boundaries have been crossed.”

  ——IAIN HUTCHINSON, an oral-facial surgeon and head of the charity Saving Faces, after a French doctor claimed to have completed the world's first full facial transplant this week





  “ It's a lot like cops on a beat. The criminals will go where they're not.”

  ——LT. NATHAN CHRISTENSEN, spokesman for the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet in Bahrain, on the hijacking of a ship carrying 20 Americans by Somali pirates — the sixth incident in the past week





  “We believe the rights of the child were not fully considered.”

  ——ALAN CHINULA, lawyer for Madonna, on a judge's rejection of the singer's application to adopt a 3-year-old child from a Malawi orphanage





  “ I just want to be a doper person which starts with me not always telling people how dope I think I am.”

  ——KANYE WEST, blogging about the Comedy Central show South Park, which portrayed the rapper as a narcissistic figure because of his famously egotistical ways. West also said in his post that “having the crazy ego is played out in my life and career”



  ——侃爷·韦斯特(美国说唱歌手)发表博客称:喜剧中心频道的节目《南方公园》将说唱艺人描绘成疯狂自恋者是因为以前他那出了名的自负性格。韦斯特在他发的帖子中也曾说过:“疯狂自负让我的生活和事业筋疲力尽。”         译文 赵晨

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钱江晚报 国际新闻·双语 B0010 Verbatim·原音 2009-4-14 48257178002CE17548257596005853D1[B1-方臻子] 2