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2009年7月13日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
  "Other countries are not doing the right amount."

  ——RICHARD HOLBROOKE, U.S. Special envoy for Pakistan and Afghanistan, comparing American aid for refugee relief in Pakistan to other nations' at the G-8 conference in Italy .





  I would say give him a chance, pray for his success. "

  ——LEX RIEFFEL, a Brookings Institution fellow, on concerns that U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon's trip to Burma could lend legitimacy to the ruling junta if he fails to get political prisoners released.





  "People are hostages of the Taliban, but they look at the coalition also as the enemy. "

  ——HAJJI ABDUL AHAD HELMANDWAL, a district council leader in Helmand Province, on the challenges of winning over civilians who are already enraged at foreign troops' mistakes.





  "In Tennessee, we apparently are going to have 225,000 vigilantes shooting in bars."

  ——RANDY RAYBURN, Nashville, Tenn. restaurateur, complaining about Tennessee's newly enacted law that allows gun owners to bring their weapons into establishments that serve alcohol





  "I consider it a part of a psychological war, but if 4,000 U.S. troops really are taking part in the operation, they will not have any permanent victory."


  ——QARI YOSUF AHMADI, Taliban spokesman reacts to the U.S. army launching an offensive against them in south Afghanistan's Helmand province.





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钱江晚报 国际新闻·双语 B0005 Verbatim·原音 2009-7-13 钱江晚报b00052009-07-1300010 2