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2006年2月23日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
The workforce is ageing across the rich world
  The Economist


  Feb 16


  Older workers want to retire later; companies fear they will soon be short of skills. Why can't the two get together

  Last month the first baby-boomers turned 60. The bulky generation born between 1946 and 1964 is heading towards retirement. The looming “demographic cliff” will see vast numbers of skilled workers dispatched from the labour force. In a forthcoming book (“Workforce Crisis”) the authors paint a gloomy picture of a shortage of skills and a cut in the supply of labour that are “already threatening the performance of many corporations”.

  The workforce is ageing across the rich world. Within the EU the number of workers aged between 50 and 64 will increase by 25% over the next two decades, while those aged 20-29 will decrease by 20%. In Japan almost 20% of the population is already over 65, the highest share in the world. And in the United States the number of workers aged 55-64 will have increased by more than half in this decade, at the same time as the 35- to 44-year-olds decline by 10%.



  上个月在婴儿潮时期最早出生的人年满60了。在1946年到1964年期间出生的数量庞大的那代人已步入退休年龄。从“人口统计学上的断层”的角度,我们将依稀看到数量巨大的熟练工人离开劳动力队伍。在即将出版的《劳动力危机》一书中,作者描绘了一幅缺少技术工人,劳动力供应不足的阴沉的画面。 “这已经威胁到了许多公司的业绩。”


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