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2006年6月16日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
The Death of Abu Mousab al-Zarqawi
  Jun 8

  Zarqawi’s death is more important as a political victory than a military one.

  Zarqawi's killing is a major step forward in America's fight in Iraq, but it will not end the insurgency. And it won't end the sectarian violence. Many Sunni insurgents are not foreign jihadis aligned with Zarqawi. These fighters have their own beef with Maliki's mainly Shi'ite government, which they see as a tool of Iran.

  Zarqawi was a tremendously charismatic leader of the foreign jihadis who, while small in number, had an outsize influence on the Iraqi insurgency, able to lure local Islamists into their camp. His death will certainly put a crimp in the jihad's money and manpower pipeline into Iraq.



  扎卡维的死使美国在伊拉克战争中向前迈进了重要一步,但它不会结束武装起义,也不会结束教派之间的对抗。许多逊尼派武装分子并不是和扎卡维联盟的外国圣战者。 这些作战人员不满马利基的以什叶派为主的政府,在他们看来政府只不过是伊朗的工具而已。


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