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· 天空的极限
· Where the Future Is a Dead End
· The Death of Abu Mousab al-Zarqawi
· Can business be cool
· 生意也要“冷”着做
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2006年6月16日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Where the Future Is a Dead End
  June 12, 2006 issue - As the world rapidly shifts from an economy based on labor and industry to one driven by knowledge and innovation, Europe's education systems aren't keeping pace. Indeed, some seem to be slipping into virtual dysfunction. It's well known that the continent's underfunded and overbureaucratized universities produce too few graduates with often outdated skills—an obvious threat to Europe's prosperity. Less well known is the fact that many European countries, for all their talk of social equality, foreclose opportunities for education and social advancement.


  6月12日出版的《新闻周刊》刊文指出,正当世界经济迅速从一个以劳动力和工业为基础的形态转向由知识和创新来驱动的形态之际, 欧洲的教育制度并未同步前进。某些国家似乎陷入了真正的机能失调之中。大家都知道欧洲大陆的大学经费不足且官僚迂腐,培养的毕业生不仅数量少而且知识陈旧。这显然对于欧洲的繁荣是个威胁。大家不太了解的是,尽管许多欧洲国家在谈论社会平等,但没有给教育和社会进步以机会。

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