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· The ghostly flickers
of a new dawn
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2006年11月29日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
The ghostly flickers
of a new dawn

  Nov 23

  For much of its 26-year life the Ranger uranium mine in north Australia has seen protests from ecologists who oppose digging for nuclear fuel on the edge of a world heritage park. But by 2008, as the mine's riches run out, Australia may be marching towards a new nuclear era, prompted in part by fear of climate change, the biggest ecological issue of all.

  The prime minister John Howard says Australia could quadruple its 2005 revenue from exporting uranium oxide (mainly to America, France and Japan) if it enriched and fabricated the fuel first. He also says Australia should consider installing its first nuclear reactor by 2020, building up to 25 reactors by 2050; such a grid could supply one-third of the country's electricity and cut greenhouse gases by almost one-fifth.




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