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· A few reasons to celebrate
· 欢庆的理由
· The Governator II
· The Future of Newspapers
· BBC的未来
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2007年1月9日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
The Future of Newspapers
Amid gloomy Wall Street forecasts about the industry’s gradual demise, TIME asked insiders to forecast the long-term fate of newspapers
  The word newspaper is going to disappear. We'll talk about “news” rather than “newspapers” because there are going to be so many other ways that people get their news. Newspaper companies are becoming information companies. The definition of news is broadening and the way we're delivering it is changing. The changes have been greatly accelerated by changes in advertising. Advertising has been about 80% of the revenue base of newspapers. we'll continue to have newspapers in print because people appreciate the way they're organized and the tactile experience. They'll be smaller, slimmer and more targeted. A lot of papers on the Web will be free, but some will be paid for.

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钱江晚报 天下·双语 C0006 The Future of Newspapers 2007-1-9 2