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2008年9月2日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
The drill-down
on Sarah Palin

  Within hours of Senator John McCain picking Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate, the talking heads of CNBC had coined a new term: "Palinomics." In a nutshell, the doctrine stands for expanding the search for domestic oil and gas as a solution to the energy crisis.

  Palin reached the Alaska statehouse in 2006 after trouncing incumbent governor Frank Murkowski, patriarch of one of Alaska's powerful political families, in the Republican primary. The former high-school basketball star, beauty queen, commercial fisherman, and mayor of Wasilla (population 8,471) ran on one big issue: Exploiting her state's billions of dollars worth of natural gas on Alaska's terms, not on the oil companies' terms.

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钱江晚报 天下·双语 A0022 The drill-down
on Sarah Palin
2008-9-2 钱江晚报a00222008-09-0200022 2