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· Verbatim
· Time for Geithner to show his cards
· An Opening Move:
Swap Prisoners
· 是盖特纳
· 开放的一步:交换囚犯
· Small Banks Say'No
Thanks' to Bailout Money
· 麦道夫案的
· 小银行对救市资金说“不,谢谢”
· Madoff's
Billionaire Victims
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2009年2月10日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Time for Geithner to show his cards
  The Obama administration is about to face its first significant financial test.

  Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is expected to lay out the government's strategy for reviving the banking system in a speech Monday.

  Fixing the problems at the banks won't be simple or cheap. Economists say it will likely take more than the $350 billion remaining under the Troubled Asset Relief Program to fund the next round of federal programs.

  One senior administration official told CNN the package being put together by Geithner and other top economic advisers to the President would "be an overhaul of the whole program."

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钱江晚报 每日新闻·双语 A0021 Time for Geithner to show his cards 2009-2-10 钱江晚报a00212009-02-1000020 2