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· Verbatim
· Time for Geithner to show his cards
· An Opening Move:
Swap Prisoners
· 是盖特纳
· 开放的一步:交换囚犯
· Small Banks Say'No
Thanks' to Bailout Money
· 麦道夫案的
· 小银行对救市资金说“不,谢谢”
· Madoff's
Billionaire Victims
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2009年2月10日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
  “Literacy study: 1 in 7 U.S. adults are unable to read this story.”

  ——A Headline, in USA Today, citing a federal report that estimates 32 million Americans are virtually illiterate.





  “Daddy, the plane turned into a boat.”

  ——Martin Sosa, a New Yorker who was with his family on the US Airways flight that ditched in the Hudson River, quoting his 4-year-old daughter's reaction to the emergency landing.





  “Some are past the age limit, and they come in and say, 'Will the military take me now' They are having trouble finding well-paying jobs.”

  ——Philip Lee, U.S. Army recruiter, on the rising number of Americans joining the military due to the recession.





  “I don't think there's anyone in Russia who doesn't know what a drunk person looks like.”

  ——100 passengers on a Russian airline who signed a petition claiming that their pilot was drunk before takeoff; though the pilot was eventually replaced, the airline claims that his blood tested negative for alcohol.





  “Dear Iranian nation, your children have placed the first indigenous satellite into orbit.”

  ——Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran, in a televised message announcing the launching of a domestically made satellite into orbit.





  “I view what happened on Thursday as a hijacking by a legislature that removed a governor.”

  ——Rod Blagojevich, former Illinois governor, referring to his removal from office by the state Senate.





  “Women are now bearing the burden of being breadwinners.”

  ——Heather Boushey, a senior economist at the Center for American Progress, on the news that 82% of job losses have befallen men.




  西非 译

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