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· On Its 60th Birthday, NATO's Future Is Looking Cloudy
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2009年4月8日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
On Its 60th Birthday, NATO's Future Is Looking Cloudy
  So, what exactly is NATO's purpose?That question hangs like a cloud of existential angst over the Atlantic Alliance's 60th birthday celebration this weekend. The festivities, which will span the Franco-German border, are suffused with the symbolism of a Cold War that called NATO into being, but whose end left the Alliance with no clear mission or identity. Hence the title of this anniversary summit, "NATO in 2020: What Lies Ahead"

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钱江晚报 国际新闻·双语 B0010 On Its 60th Birthday, NATO's Future Is Looking Cloudy 2009-4-8 48257178002CE17548257591002C4FCB[B1-方臻子] 2