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2009年7月13日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
4 First Date Conversation Rules
  When it comes to getting personal on a first date, politics, religion, and sex used to be off the table. But have the rules changed.

  DO talk about religion and politics.

  "I don't mind taking about religion or politics, I think it's interesting and a good way to learn about someone," says Answerology member w0nd3rw0man. "If it turns into an argument or you really disagree with each other, no biggie, you can move on.

  DON'T talk about your ex.

  "Talking about your ex-boyfriends...will kill any chances of a second date," said bjd555.

  Answerology members almost unanimously agreed: as far as a first date is concerned, your ex and the complimentary baggage do not exist. A quick mention is okay if you're telling a fascinating story that happens to include an ex-flame, but resist the urge to launch into a discussion best reserved for your friends and therapist.

  DO keep it present-tense.

  "Just talk about what you're doing now, what you're looking forward to, and what your goals are for the future," advises skateny..

  Don't dwell on the past! Talk about what excites you about the future, whether it's next weekend's movie release or your long-term career plans. Everyone has a past, but focusing on the future makes you seem like a positive, happy person-an instant draw when you're chatting up someone you're interested in.

  DON'T just talk-listen.

  Express interest and curiosity in what the other person has to say. Treat him/her as though he/she is someone with whom you'd like to be a good friend," says skateny. The bonus "This gives you a great deal of information. Remember, the point of the date is to get to know the person you're out with—so remember to let them talk too!

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钱江晚报 国际新闻·双语 B0005 4 First Date Conversation Rules 2009-7-13 钱江晚报b00052009-07-1300013 2