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· Verbatim
· Extra! Chapter 11!
· The bill that could
break up Europe
· 号外!第11章!
· 可能分裂欧洲的账单
· Iraq's Ancient Treasures Lost and Found
· 每况愈下
· 伊拉克文物失而复得
· Going from
Bad to Worse
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2009年3月3日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Extra! Chapter 11!
  The bloodied newspaper business keeps getting redder all over. On Feb. 21, Journal Register, owner of 20 daily newspapers including the New Haven Register, declared bankruptcy. The company was staggering under $692 million in debt, much of it taken on through the 2004 acquisition of four papers in economically depressed Michigan. Two days after Journal Register's filing, Philadelphia Media Holdings, which bought the Philadelphia Inquirer and Philadelphia Daily News from McClatchy in 2006, also filed for Chapter 11. And on Feb. 24, Hearst said it may shut down the San Francisco Chronicle if costs can't be cut or a buyer found.
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钱江晚报 每日新闻·双语 A0021 Extra! Chapter 11! 2009-3-3 钱江晚报a00212009-03-0300009 2