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· No Longer So Special
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· Clean green
flying machine
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2007年8月21日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
Clean green
flying machine

  Aug 14

  On Monday August 13th a small bunch of campaigners against climate-change set up camp at the perimeter of the world’s busiest international airport. Organizers say over 2,000 will take part in a “day of action” later this week. For beleaguered travellers this could mean another of Heathrow’s famous days of inaction.

  It is not hard to bring Heathrow to a stop. Strikers, terrorists and bad weather have all done so before. The campaigners hope that by disrupting an airport that serves some 200,000 flyers a day they will further their cause. “Plane Stupid”, an anti-flying group, gives a flavour what the protesters want, demanding “airport expansion plans scrapped, a tax on aviation fuel and an end to short-haul flights”.

  Airports want to grow because more people want to fly. Last year passengers took some two billion trips on scheduled airlines. In 2010 that number is forecast to have risen by a quarter. Much of the recent growth is attributable to short-haul low-cost airline travel. But cheap flying has come with costs attached. By most measures aviation generates 2-3% of man-made emissions of carbon-dioxide, the main greenhouse gas.





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钱江晚报 天下·双语 C0007 Clean green
flying machine
2007-8-21 钱江晚报c00072007-08-2100019 2