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· West Is in Talks on Credit to Aid Poorer Nations
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2008年10月29日     收藏 打印 推荐 朗读 评论 更多功能 
West Is in Talks on Credit to Aid Poorer Nations
  With the financial crisis engulfing developing countries from Latin America to Central Europe, raising the specter of market panic and even social unrest, Western officials are weighing coordinated action to try to stabilize these economies.

  The International Monetary Fund, which is in negotiations with several countries to provide emergency loans, is also working to arrange a huge credit line that would allow other countries desperate for foreign capital to borrow dollars, according to several officials.

  The list of countries under threat is growing by the day, and now includes such emerging-market stalwarts as Brazil, South Africa and Turkey. They have become collateral damage in a crisis that began in the American subprime housing market..

  The fast-growing economies of the developing world depend on money from Western banks to build factories, buy machinery and export goods to the United States and Europe. When those banks stop lending and the money dries up, investor confidence vanishes and the countries suddenly find themselves in crisis.

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钱江晚报 天下·双语 A0021 West Is in Talks on Credit to Aid Poorer Nations 2008-10-29 钱江晚报a00212008-10-2900019 2